

Tentative Closure of the Museum

11 Oct, 2008

At around noon, the Museum got a visit from court officials with a seizure warrant. There was only my second son at home, who had come back for lunch. The officials flashed the warrant and immediately started their search, so I learned later. ...

At that time I was at my downtown office to get rid of negative ideas/views which would come to me naturally if I had kept staying at the emptied Museum with no visitors. I had left the Museum at 10:40 in the morning.

Receiving an emergency call from his younger brother, my eldest son gave me a call.
In turn, I called my legal counsel.
He is usually hard to get hold of, but today luck was with me. He talked to one of the officials on the phone, and convinced them to halt their search in the meantime. They left the Museum soon after.

At the suggestion of my legal counsel I tentatively closed my glorious Museum to protect the valuable specimens from an unjustified seizure. Yes, I've locked out the Museum!
For the first time in the past 20 years, I closed the Museum for a reason other than blackouts and maintenance services.

At the end of the day I could imagine how a guileless salaryman, who has never skipped work or never been even late for work but is now misunderstood as a grouper and stranded while commuting on a train, would feel like.

My legal counsel is going to see the responsible judge on Monday to inquire into the circumstances of the issued warrant; in any case, the Museum will have to remain closed indefinitely, or at least until I come to terms with the court in some way or other.
It's really a shame and very sad.

Penned on the 10th of October

Shoji Hashimoto

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